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New recycling bins in WL

West Lafayette is stepping up its recycling efforts.The city is paying for 48-gallon recycling bins which will be distributed in September or October.Those are about three times the size of the current...

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Changes to waste pick-up in WL being considered

The City of West Lafayette is looking to change its trash ordinance. The main component is a proposed increase for residents in the cost of trash, recycling and yard waste. The current $9 a month rate...

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Lafayette mayor wants to improve recycling process, beautify downtown

Lafayette leaders are increasing efforts to recycle more.Last year, the city saved more than $180,000 by recycling and not hauling trash to the landfill. Mayor Tony Roswarski says while that’s good,...

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Reducing Holiday Waste As You Deck the Halls

The end-of-year holidays aren't just a time filled with more cheer, but also are a time filled with more trash-  although some simple tips can help keep that to a minimum.Dan Goldblatt, spokesman for...

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Ask The Mayor: Lafayette's Tony Roswarski

Lafayette residents will soon be getting new smaller containers for their garbage and using the current larger toters for their recycling. The message is clear-- recycle more than you put in area...

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Lafayette Hopes To Monetize Changeover In Trash Bins

Now that Lafayette plans to buy new trash bins for residents, city officials are trying to figure out how to squeeze as much profit from the venture as possible.The current small, blue recycling bins...

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Ask The Mayor: Lafayette's Tony Roswarski On Weighing Higher Office Vs. Doing...

It’s often said every U.S. Senator looks in the mirror and says “that looks like a President of the United States.” So is the same true for mayors, especially long-tenured ones, who might aspire to run...

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Lafayette Recycling Toters Still Weeks Away As Ad Company Circles

It’ll be several more weeks before Lafayette residents get their new recycling containers.Mayor Tony Roswarski, speaking Thursday on WBAA’s “Ask The Mayor,” says the city plans to place an order for...

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